Friday, February 04, 2005

The Components of Self

Will: creates choices; faculty of decision making

(Gauge) Reason: gauge/measurement of rationality [logical or illogical; true or false] [Responds]
(Projector) Imagination: faculty of projecting thought [Effects and is Effected]
(Projection) Thought: language of the mind; mind-image [Experience]

(Gauge) Heart: gauge/measurement of morality [right or wrong; good or evil] [Responds]
(Projector) Spirit: faculty of projecting emotion; emotes [Effects and is Effected]
(Projection) Emotion: language of the heart; soul-feeling [Experience]

(Gauge) Body: gauge/measurement of comfort "temporality" [pleasure or pain] [Responds]
(Projector) Flesh: faculty of projecting sensation [Effects and is Effected]
(Projection) Sensation: language of the body; body-feeling [Experience]

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